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Consultation: Consumption of alcohol in licensed pavement areas / off-sales Published Date: 16/05/2024

Consultation description

Businesses such as pubs and restaurants are licensed to sell alcohol for customers to drink on the premises (‘on-sales’).

During the COVID-19 pandemic, the government passed regulations allowing them to sell alcohol for takeaway, delivery and to drink in licensed pavement areas (‘off-sales’), without changing their licence.

The regulations expire on 31 March 2025. This consultation sets out permanent options for alcohol licensing after this date. The consultation will run for 8 weeks ending on 11th July 2024.

The proposals  

  • Option 1 – Make permanent the temporary regulatory easements for off-sales under the Business and Planning Act 2020, whereby any on-sales alcohol premise licence automatically covers off-sales as well.


  • Option 2 – Amend the Licensing Act to extend the definition of on-sales so that it includes consumption in a licenced pavement area.


  • Option 3 – Amend the Licensing Act to permit on-sales only premises licence holders the right to make off-sales to any area for which there is a pavement licence.

IoL Response

The IoL will be responding to this consultation. IoL members are invited to email their views to All views submitted will be taken into account when reviewing the IoL response. In addition, we will work with our Board members to formulate the IoL response.